
Furs Theory

Groomer Tips for a Puppy’s First Pet Grooming

grooming puppy


Ah… It brings me so much joy whenever someone is getting a new puppy… First of all, congratulations on getting your new addition to your family! A puppy, for the most part, will enhance the relationship of your family so it’s very essential to take great care of them. You probably already know it’s very important to groom your puppy to improve its general well-being, however, have you ever wondered at what age should you really start to groom your puppy?    

Let me start off by saying, despite you gonna find everyone giving you different answers on the internet, there is actually no specific timeline for when you should start to groom your puppy, but there are various factors in play, which play a part in influencing when you should start to groom your dog.  

By the end of this article, you should be able to have a better idea about when you can start to groom your puppy.  


The reason why we do not encourage grooming long-coated puppies is that at mere weeks of age, their puppy furs are still soft and vulnerable.  Clipping a puppy’s fur may involve pulling the hair, which might affect or even damage the growth and condition of the puppy’s fur. Once the coat is affected, the effect may be permanent and the adult hair may be patchy and even damaged.  


Other than that, it is recommended by most veterinarians that you should start grooming your puppy after they have received three vaccination shots, which should be completed by the time they are 8-10 weeks old.    

This is mostly true because when you send your puppy to the pet shop, it is a high-risk environment that exposes your puppy to other dogs that potentially carry viruses and fungi which are harmful to puppies such as dog flu, parvo, and paramyxovirus.  

If your puppy is in need of grooming because it has started to give out a bad smell or the hair got messy, a safer solution is to book a housecall groomer instead, because grooming at home will reduce the risk of exposing the puppy to the virus.  


So, when should you start to groom your puppy? The generic guide to follow is once it has received three vaccination shots, which is around 8-10 weeks old. For long-coated dogs, while it is still perfectly safe to be groomed after having three injections of vaccination, I would suggest you start grooming your puppy when you notice the color of the fur started to change and the newly grown fur has harder consistency. That is a sign that the puppy coat is dropping and beginning its transition into an adult coat. Typically this happens at 5-6 months of age.   


Furs Theory provides professional housecall dog grooming in Klang Valley. Our groomers are experienced and certified by top grooming academies in Malaysia. Talk to us to learn more about how housecall dog grooming saves you time as well as makes grooming an anxiety-free experience for your beloved dogs.